How To Prepare To Move Your Office

It is not an easy task to move your office. It is crucial to know how to prepare for a move. It's crucial to ensure that your business is running smoothly throughout the whole process of moving offices.

How to prepare for an office move

You should not start moving on the "moving day". Moving an office should not be considered a one-day event. It is a multi-stage process that starts well before the move date. We have created a printable business relocation checklist to help you get started with your office move.

Create a Timeline for Office Relocation

Your staff and all others involved in the office move will be able to stay on the same page by creating a timeline. These are some things to keep in mind when creating your timeline:

Preparing employees for an office move

Before you start the moving process, it is important to notify your employees. It is important to prepare staff for a move. This will allow them time to plan for their new commute. The commute to work could be longer or shorter, which could affect their child care and other arrangements.

Important company dates should be included in your schedule

It's not a good idea to move your office the same day you have an important conference call or major meeting with foreign clients. You should choose a date that does not disrupt your company's day-to-day operations.

Take into account your lease

You can save money and avoid paying rent payments that overlap by choosing a date that allows you to move everything and clean out your old office space.

Notify your landlord

Each lease is different. Before you decide on a move date, make sure you have checked your lease. This will allow you to notify your landlord in time.

It is important to inform all employees and suppliers of your company about the move. It's a good idea to let everyone know that your company is moving.

If employees feel they can't or won't be able to commute to their new workplace, it is possible for them to find a job elsewhere. If necessary, give employees enough time to complete their personal details. This will help avoid potential problems.

Check out the New Office Space

You can avoid any potential problems by visiting the new office before you move.


Professional painters are recommended if you plan to paint your new space. Painting may sound appealing at first, but it can often turn out to be a more difficult undertaking than you anticipated.



Your new office space will likely not be identical to your old one. Take measurements of the doors and rooms in the new space to avoid any problems when moving large furniture.

List the repairs that are needed

Before you move into your new space, make sure to keep a detailed list of any damaged or broken areas. If you plan to make alterations that will require the hiring of contractors, get started now.

It can be very noisy and messy to alter an office. You don't want to have a lot of unfinished projects in your new space when you move.

Change your business address

The company move is similar to a personal move, except that you will need to update your address in over a million places. Here are the top sites and entities you need to update your company address in order to avoid problems.

Google My Business

Customers can still find you! It's crucial to update your address via Google My Business before your move day.

We strongly recommend that you create a Google My Business account if you don't have one. Google My Business is an excellent way to keep in touch with customers and share updates, blogs, photos, and customer reviews.

Postal Service

Your business mail will be forwarded to the correct address by updating your address with Post Office. The forwarding process will last for one year. This gives you ample time to update any senders that don't receive an address update automatically from the Post Office. Click here to change your address with USPS

Communications with clients

Your company may use an email server, or content management system. Make sure you update your address for any active email campaigns. You may need to update every campaign with some email providers.

If you are unsure how to update your address on all client-facing communications, you can contact your email provider.

You should update the address on your email server. Also, make sure to update your signature with the new company address.

Make an Office Inventory List

Even if you have professional movers, it is important to keep track all items in your office you are moving to your new location. Make a digital list of all the items you plan to move and save a copy for your records.

If something is lost, you can identify the items and hold the movers responsible.

Check the stock of Office Items

It would take nearly as long to complete an inventory of everything in your office as the move itself. You can save small items such as markers and pads for easier handling.

Here are some essential items to include in your office supply inventory.

  • Copier machines
  • Filing cabinets
  • Whiteboards and chalkboards
  • Wall decors include art, mirrors, and other wall decorations
  • Appliances for the kitchen, such as refrigerators, microwaves, and toaster ovens
  • Office furniture including cubicles, desks, desk chairs, couches, tables, etc.
  • Electronics for offices include computers, laptops, monitors, printers, and TVs.
  • Get ready for the new space

Transfer Utilities

You can ensure your office space is ready for your employees when they arrive. Contact your utility providers to transfer all your utilities before you move day. You may need to overlap utilities for several days or even a week depending on how complicated your move is.

Secure Loading Zones

Check with your building manager to confirm that you and your crew have access to the appropriate loading and unloading areas. Access to the building is required for everyone involved in your office move.

For the required parking keys and decals, contact your building manager.

Organize items to be moved

It is a smart idea to label and organize all items you are moving. To ensure that everything is in the right place in your new office space, label all boxes and other items according to their department. You should not only pack and label the items you need to move but also put away the things you don't need.

Get rid of junk before you move your office

Prior to the actual moving, take some time to review your papers and inventory, and mark which items can be thrown out. It is important to designate an area for items that must be thrown away.

After you have made your trash pile, take some time to list what items are in it, which are trash, and which can be donated or sold. Next, divide your trash pile into three sections: trash, donate, or sell.


Before you move in

It's important to assess your trash pile. You will need to determine what you can remove yourself and what you require with the help of a commercial junk removal service.

You don't want to mix up your "definitely junk" pile with other items. This could lead to costly and difficult problems later. It is important to double- and triple-check that you are throwing away the correct items. You can't afford to leave anything up to chance.

Notify your customers/clients

Although it should be obvious, sometimes things can get so chaotic during a move that it is easy to forget the important. A "We're Moving” email campaign is the best way to notify your clients, partners, and customers about your new address information. It's not common for everyone to open all of their emails so it is important to send multiple notifications.

  • A three-email drip campaign is the best way to keep business contacts up to date.
  • Announce your intention to move.
  • Complete the move-in date and provide updated address information.
  • A reminder that you have relocated. Update your address information.

Moving Offices: Pro Tips

Once you have your office prepared for the move, it is time to put your plan into motion. We are here to help you through the stressful process of moving.

Hiring a professional office mover

It is important to hire professionals to help you move your office.

Office movers are professionals who will handle your office move in the safest and most efficient manner. Hiring a professional to handle your office relocation is safer than assigning it to employees.

Do your research before hiring a professional moving company. Review their work. Compare their rates. Before you move, make sure that there aren't any items in your office that the movers won’t be able to take. It's worth doing some research to save yourself a lot of headaches in the long term.

Hire Security

Although it may sound absurd, hiring a security guard to supervise your move is a smart idea. There will be many people moving in and out of the office, which can lead to security breaches and unauthorized visitors.

This is especially true for sensitive information companies. Your company could be saved from potential security catastrophes by hiring security personnel.



 Deal with any leftover office junk after your move

Although your office may have many "moving parts", it doesn't need to break the bank. It is important to account for so many things.

This includes hiring movers, moving supplies, office downtime costs, and the cost for your new space. Last but not least, make sure to hire a cleanup crew for your old space.

You already have plenty to think about when you move your office. After you're done with the relocation, you might be wondering what to do about all the junk that you left behind.

All your junk must be removed

You probably have many awkward and bulky items to handle if you are moving offices.

Let's now discuss how to get rid of all the office junk that has built up over time. You can easily get rid of unwanted items with little effort and minimal out-of-pocket expense if you use the right tactics.

Relocation of Offices and Commercial Junk Removal

People often overlook the cost of trash removal. However, it is essential to get rid of all waste. It is important to remove your trash because it will make moving easier. Although your movers are likely to take care of your trash, you will have to pay more for it.

Anyone who has moved before knows how difficult it can be. If you don't have the right support, even a seemingly simple move can become a daunting task. It is possible to save a lot of time and money by planning ahead, as well as getting professional assistance.

Donate items you don't want to move

It can be difficult to donate items as charities are often picky about larger items. Your company might have many items that were intended for the trash pile, but they could be valuable to charity.

You might also consider giving away your items rather than paying for them to be hauled off. You might save money by placing ads on sites like Craigslist.

Staff members may be willing to donate some office supplies, especially if they are light. Your team might be interested in items such as binders, old papers, coffee, tea, and unneeded writing instruments.

Begin your move early

You will be able to get rid of many items if you begin this process at least a month before the move date

But items such as office cubicles are more difficult to move than to get rid of. Although it may look small, a cubicle will eventually become a large pile of garbage. Because they are so heavy, cubicles in offices should be removed professionally and disposed of.

Every step you can take in order to reduce your office relocation expenses is a great step. You can reduce your office relocation costs by selling items you don't need and recycling or throwing them away.

Many office supplies, such as chairs and desks, can be found in new homes quickly. You should take a step back before you throw away anything. You can not only make extra money by selling office items, but you will also be able to save money on your moving expenses.

Talk Trash With Your Moving Company

The disposal of old office materials is not a specialty for your moving company. Most of the junk you throw away will end up in landfills. You can load office materials with chemicals and other products that could harm the environment.


Reliable disposal of office junk

It is expensive to have your moving company dispose of your items.

It could cause environmental damage to turn over old office materials and furniture to your moving company. There is enough material in the landfills as it stands. E-waste includes items like copiers and fax machines. They must be properly disposed of off, as required by law.

Your movers can be certain to charge you a fair price for disposing of your waste, as it is a separate trip to the landfill.

This luxury will cost you a significant premium. LoadUp, a professional junk removal service, will dispose of your office junk safely and for a fraction of the price.


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