The 4 Best Free Moving Apps to Help You With Your Move

The 4 Best Free Moving Apps to Help You With Your Move


1. Move Advisor

Move Advisor, a new app for moving organizations, is very impressive. We were impressed by its intuitive design and unparalleled functionality. The ambitious app was a moving aid and took the lead right from the beginning. It never lost it until the end, well ahead of its competitors.

Let’s look closer at how Move Advisor can help you through the transitional time in your life.

You are greeted by Move Advisor’s beautiful home screen as soon as you launch it. Each tool addresses a specific stage of your moving process.

The Timeline for Moving

You will be amazed at the level of customization offered by Moving Timeline.

Moving Timeline is the best mobile application that offers a week-by-week checklist.

The sophisticated moving calendar tool needs only to know the date of your move and the method you intend to use to do it. It will then create a week-by-week task list for you to help you navigate the process and make things easier.

You will be able to see the moving tasks you should complete during the week with large, visually appealing icons. Tap an icon to find out more about that task.

Moving Timeline is a mobile-friendly moving planner that doesn’t end at the top. You can mark tasks as completed and then delete them if they are not relevant. Additionally, you can add notes to each task.

The mobile checklist app Moving Timeline also has a unique feature that we find extremely useful – an action button placed below tasks. This allows you to complete the task quicker and more efficiently.

We tapped on the ACTION button under RESERVE a RENTAL TRUCK to be presented with the option of going directly to the websites of four of the largest truck rental companies in this country.

Home Inventory

Move Advisor also offers an advanced home inventory tool that allows you to easily build a comprehensive house moving inventory. We had so much fun creating a virtual household and testing this app for personal moving organizations.

We are warning you: Home Inventory is addictive. This comes from our personal experience.

Once you click ADD A ROOM, the fun begins. Choose a room from the list or create your own. Once you have filled your room, you can fill it with items that you already own.

How do you accomplish that? Drag and drop the desired household item into your room by selecting it from the extensive list at the top.

After your virtual inventory has been completed and your room contents match their real-life counterparts, save your changes to get back the joy of creating another room.

Home Inventory’s great feature is its ability to estimate not only your shipment volume and weight but also how many moving boxes or furniture blankets are needed to transport your belongings.

You may also find the estimated size of your moving vehicle useful, particularly if you are renting a truck to do your own move.

The best thing about the home inventory tool was its ability to back up our inventory via email. You can also mail it to anyone you choose or forward it directly to the moving company. The last option can be a time-saver as it means you don’t need to spend hours calling your movers. You will simply have to describe every item within your home.

Movers Around You

It’s clear that a professional moving company plays a vital role in the success of any moving venture.

Move Advisor will make it easy to find the right moving company.

Moving Around You allows you to find reliable and trustworthy professional movers near you. This saves you the time of searching through hundreds until you finally find one. A list of trusted moving companies is provided, with contact information.

This search tool allows you to quickly view the company’s overall ratings as well as read reviews from past clients about their services. provides the performance ratings as well as moving review data.

Request a Moving Quote

Move Advisor provides an obligation-free and easy way for you to receive a moving estimate from a licensed, insured company. You can then compare the estimates, and select which one best fits your needs and budget.

Move Advisor is our top-rated free moving app and it’s available on iPhones, iPads, and Android smartphones.


2. Unpakt

The Unpakt App is second on our list. The app is very easy to use, and it has a lot of functionality. Unpakt has been described as “a complete online platform to plan, book, and manage a move” and we can’t disagree more.

Unpakt is a simple tool that will allow you to find reliable moving companies and then help you create your home inventory. Based on your inventory and any additional information, Unpakt will suggest a moving company and provide a price guarantee. It’s easy to book a professional mover.

Let’s now take a look at Unpakt, the app that allows you to easily plan, compare and book your move.

Step 1: Initial move details

To get started with the Unpakt app, you will only need a few basic details.

Unpakt’s mobile app makes it easy to find a trusted mover, and have your price determined without surprises. We loved the detail of the guaranteed price, but that’s something we will get to later.

The first step is to enter the address of the place you are moving to and the size of the move. Unpakt will prompt you to remind you of how many days are left before your move. It’s not that it would surprise you, but this is still an important feature.

Step 2: Make an inventory list

Next, you will see a standard inventory list based on your move size. You can add, remove, modify, or delete pre-loaded items from the Unpakt app mobile app. This includes the ability to add rooms, as well as custom items, by specifying the name of each item, their width, height, and depth in inches.

Unpakt’s free app for moving has everything you need. You can use it to add medium and large boxes and specialized boxes like dish boxes and wardrobe boxes.

Step 3: A few more move details

Once you have completed the home inventory, your moving app will ask for additional details, such as confirmation of move date and approximate arrival time (e.g. 8-10, 9-11, or 1-3 pm), extra pick-up stops, storage requirements, etc.

Step 4: Guaranteed price and verified mover

Unpakt’s home inventory app allows you to see every detail – such as the types of boxes used, their sizes, and whether they are small, medium, or large.

Next, you will see the recommendation of a verified mover by Unpakt and the cost for your move. This is based on the details you have provided, specifically the inventory you created.

The profile of the professional moving company we were considering was very interesting. It included information such as the year of operations, number of trucks, and number of employees. You can also find out more about the reputation of this mover by checking Yelp’s performance score. This is based on customer reviews.

Unpakt will also guarantee your move cost. The best part of Unpakt’s moving app for us is the ability to view the item-by-item breakdown of your cost. You can quickly see what you are moving, and the cost of each item to move to your new house.

You can edit inventory at any time if there are mistakes, or if you decide it is not worth spending the money to move that dresser.

You can also review the entire process and then book your verified mover online.

Unpakt is ranked second in our top 10 free mobile apps. You can find it on the App Store iOS.


3. Sortly

It is described by its creator as the “ultimate organizer app”, which can help you organize your belongings by creating a visual inventory. Sortly ranks number 4 on our list of top free moving apps.

Transfer inventory

Sortly allows you to organize your household by uploading photos to a virtual inventory.

Sortly’s strengths lie in the creation and management of your home inventory, also known as your VISUAL inventory. Select a folder, such as. Select a folder (eg. Start taking photographs of every item that you want to bring with you. To make it easier to identify and track your belongings, you can take up to eight photos of each item.

The free app allows you to customize your photos with highlights or resizable Arrows. This makes it possible, for instance, to pinpoint an item in a photo of many objects. You can add important information to each item, such as serial numbers and warranty dates.

You can also set reminders with Sortly to remind you when to return items you borrowed or when your warranty period is about to end.

Checklist for moving

Sortly offers an 8-week moving checklist as an added bonus. This week-by-week list is meant to assist you in organizing your time and provide more information about each task. You can either mark the task as complete or make it obsolete, just like any good moving checklist.

Although it sounds fantastic, we were a little puzzled by the lack of functionality to add notes or create an extra task. The worst part is that Sortly’s checklist seems incomplete. There are only two tasks for Week Before and a few tasks for Moving Day.

For comparison, the moving checklist we have created, which is often called the greatest moving checklist of all time, has close to 100 tasks that must be completed before, during, and after the move.

A premium account includes additional features

Sortly’s moving list feels a little incomplete.

Sortly, as far as we know, can create QR and custom labels. Then, it will read the labels using a built-in barcode scanner. The moving app also supports web access and cloud sync as well as backup and sync.

All of these premium features will however come at a cost.

The cost of a Sortly Premium account is $4.99 per month, or $47.99 for a full year.

This moving organizer app has a great deal of value. You can try it for free to see if it’s useful for you.

You can use Sorty on both Android-running smartphones and iPhones as well as iPads.



OfferUp offers free local buying and selling.

You will be a success on many levels if you declutter your house before packing your stuff and moving it to your new place.

It is easy to post an item on OfferUp.

Because you have fewer things to pack, it will cost less to buy packing materials. Also, there will be less to ship because of the lower total weight.

It will save you time as there are fewer household items that need to be packed and transported.

A decluttered house will reduce stress and make it easier to move.

This is why the mobile app OfferUp came into being.

Use OfferUp to sell your items

Selling the items you have decided not to move into a new house makes perfect sense. You’ll be able to make some extra cash and put it towards your move budget. Donating your belongings is also an option.

You can list your item on OfferUp in just 30 seconds. The mobile app prompts you for your address (ZIP code) and allows you to sell items you do not want within your local area.

It is actually very easy to post an item for sale. There are only four steps and they take just seconds. Take a picture of the item that you want to sell, or use your smartphone or tablet to select it. You can choose up to 11 images per item. You then add a title to the item, choose a product category, label its condition and provide a short description.

You then set the selling price and you can simply sell the item.

OfferUp allows you to buy things for your new house

You can also use OfferUp to purchase useful products for your new home.

You can then use OfferUp to purchase everything you require for your new apartment or house once you have reached it. Did you ever consider the old dresser that was too expensive to move? It’s now the right time to buy another.

To browse thousands or thousands of local listings every day, tap on OfferUp the free mobile app. The best thing about this app is the fact that it will show you the items in your neighborhood, so you don’t have to travel far.

OfferUp has an option to ship items out of your area.

You’ll be able to skip organizing the garage sale.

You can get Offer Up for Free from Google Play or Apple’s App store:


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