What To Keep And What To Throw Away When You Move

The hardest part of any process is the decision.

It is an emotional experience that can be stressful, expensive, time-consuming, challenging, exciting, and a challenge. But, most importantly, moving is an opportunity for a fresh start - to a whole new life.

You can start over and get rid of everything you don't love about your past life, from your poor home and bad job to your dull daily routines and unfavorable reputation.

You can create the life that you want, build your dreams, have the job you love, surround yourself with people you love, make new friends, or find the perfect job.

Should you just "move on", or should it be left behind? Should you let everything that has shaped your life for so long be kept? You can take only the items you truly love, and let go of all other things.

You are responsible for making that decision about your values, relationships and habits.

Material items are easier. You can only take what you need and toss the rest.

How do you decide which items to keep? How do you decide what to throw away before moving? What items are worth spending the time and money to move?

These guidelines will help you make the best decision.

How to decide what to keep and what to get rid of when moving

Moving costs are likely to be lower if you move fewer things. This isn't the only advantage of reducing your possessions prior to a move. Packing and loading won't take as much time or effort. There will also be less things you need to track and manage. Unpacking will be quicker and easier.

When packing to move, be sure that you only take the things you really love and want. If in doubt, consider:

1) The Item's Value

It is not just about the item's financial worth, but its practical and sentimental value that determines whether it is worth moving.

Your point of view will determine whether an item is valuable or not.

# Ask yourself these questions to determine the object's practical value.

What is your frequency of using it? Do you use it out of necessity?

It is so convenient! Is it making your life more convenient?

Are you satisfied with its condition? Is it functional and serves its purpose well?

Are they durable and of high quality?

It will it work in your home?

What will you find that you are able to put into practice in the new environment?

It is best to only use it on very rare occasions. It's best to give it away if you only use it occasionally.

Family heirlooms and personal treasures are great items with sentimental value. You will treasure these irreplaceable objects no matter what and will make sure they are on your packing list. However, you should only keep the items that are most important to you. Keep the painting of your best friend at graduation. But take pictures of the art your children did in preschool and do not bring them.

You should also take any collector's or vintage objects, art pieces, and other unique items that you find difficult to replace to your new place (until they are no longer desired).

2) The Type of Your Move

You will likely decide to move most of your possessions locally. It won't cost much or be difficult to transport them. The climate will remain the same and your lifestyle will not change. It doesn't make financial sense to discard furniture and appliances that can be moved into a new house. You also shouldn't throw out clothes, shoes, home decor items and hobby items. You can keep the items you love and purchase similar ones once your relocation is complete.

It is best to move cross-country without any large or heavy items. Instead, bring only sentimental and/or practical objects. Moving a large number of items over a long distance will prove costly and difficult. Additionally, you will likely have a new environment and a different lifestyle, so many of your belongings will not be needed.

It is a good idea to only take your personal belongings and most important possessions with when you move abroad. It is very difficult and costly to move household items overseas.

The Moving Cost

When deciding on what items to move, it is important to consider the relocation costs.

It is easy to see why moving costs are so high.

Moving costs vary depending on distance and complexity.

If you are moving locally, your moving costs will be based on how long it takes for the movers (prepare all your belongings, load them onto the truck and transport them to the new location, then unload them).

If you are moving long distance, your move cost will be based on how far your home is from your destination and how heavy your shipment is.

Extra services such as furniture disassembly and hoisting are more expensive. Moving costs will increase if you need to hire specialized services (furniture disassembly, hoisting etc.)

You can get an estimate of how much it will cost to move the items you don't want to use to your new house by filling out a quote.

Keep in mind: An item that is extremely difficult to transport or prone to damage during relocation (e.g. because it is fragile, sensitive, unusually-shaped, heavy, etc.) It is better to not take the item. To ensure that your item is safe during relocation, you might consider custom crating (or any other specialty moving service, as applicable).

How to Move Out

After considering all the factors above, you should find it easy to choose what you want to keep.

Important documents: Personal documents such as passports, birth certificates and driving licences. Financial documents: credit cards, bank statements and loan papers. Tax returns. ), Medical records, School Records, Pet's Documents, etc. ;

Jewellery and valuables such as collectibles and pieces of art (or gold or silver objects, crystal items etc. );

Essential electronics - laptops, phones, tablets, cameras, etc. ;

Furniture of high quality;

Good condition household items that you are able to use every day;

You will find the right clothes and shoes for your area, in good quality.

Favorite household and family items: Books, toys, hobbies, books and other items that you love.

Make sure you bring everything that makes you feel comfortable in your surroundings.

Keepakes and family heirlooms are special investments with high sentimental value.

You choose the artwork that you love

You will feel right at home with pictures, decorations and other treasures in your new apartment or house.

All the things you enjoy and love having.

After you have decided on the best way to move, take a careful inventory of all items and then find an affordable and safe method to get them there. Renting a truck to move your possessions can be done by you or hiring professional movers. This will save you time and effort. The experienced moving professionals will protect your valuable items and deliver them safely to your new residence.

How to Move

It can be difficult to decide what items to get rid of when you move. Many people have a hard time letting go of things they've owned for years and becoming accustomed to. However, adding unnecessary clutter to your home will not only make your move more expensive, complicated, and stressful.

You must be strong and determined in your determination to reduce your possessions, simplify your life and make your move easier. It will make it easier to remember that letting go of a particular item doesn't mean you have to give up your feelings for the person or the cherished memories associated with it.

These are some ideas to help you get rid of things before moving.

Items that are broken, damaged, worn out, or expired and cannot be reused again.

You won't find furniture and other equipment in your new environment.

You can replace obsolete items with more useful models, or you may want to get rid of old appliances and electronic gadgets.

Furniture of low quality - usually made from particleboard. Low-quality furniture can be easily damaged and is unlikely to make it through the entire move. Furniture is also heavy and cumbersome, making it difficult to move. A new piece of furniture will not be as expensive to purchase, but it may cost less to transport the older one. (See also: Sell it or move it).

These fluffy pets will be at least part of your new family.

Items that have outgrown their usefulness - clothing, shoes, toys and games as well as books, jewelry, and collectibles. items that you feel are too young for your children's age

You should not wear clothes or shoes that don't suit the climate in your new location (e.g. fur-lined boots, coats, if you are moving to Florida).

Shoes and clothes that don't fit correctly or are no longer in fashion

Bedding - These items can be bulky so take up a lot space. It's best to keep some sheets and towels as cushions and replace the rest every couple of years. Fresh towels and sheets will make your home feel great.

You don't really need to have three sets of cutlery.

You use kitchen items such as cookware and dishware less often than mismatched plates, cups, cups, or bowls. ;

Specialty equipment and hobby items (equipment for sports, music, etc. There is no interest in these items anymore.

Moving hoses, garden tools and planters is difficult. It also exposes you to the possibility of introducing invasive species or weeds into your new location.

You don't want to use old media (old CDs and DVDs or Blu-Rays, Video Games, Magazines, Catalogs, Posters, Notebooks, etc. );

To avoid identity theft, you should shred or burn any old documents and mail.

You shouldn't buy cheap artwork, unless it is something you love.

You shouldn't bring books you don’t love. Books are heavy, and can quickly increase the cost of moving.

You should bring new towels and toiletries to clean your bathroom.

You should only take cosmetics or toiletries that you can easily replace (or almost used up). These products take up lots of space and are often messy.

You can easily find replacements for hobby materials - you don't have to spend money on their move if they are available in your new location.

You don't want to buy souvenirs or decorations.

Knick-knacks with no particular meaning

You never finished projects like the one you didn't learn to play the guitar, or the ones you couldn't find the time for, such as those books that you have never read, old furniture that you wanted to restore but never completed, and the gadgets that you don’t fix. ;

Anything that is too dangerous to transport - Plasma TVs and aquariums or plants. Other fragile, delicate or sensitive items are unlikely to make it through the move.

Every one of these things can bring joy to someone else...

Anything that makes someone happier than you.

You don't have to worry about anything you forget you own - you can just put it away.

You should get rid of anything that remains unpackaged from the last move. You should do it now.

One word: It's important to dispose of any items that are not needed or loved anymore. You will then be able fill your new home with items that you love, and those you can fit into your space.

After you have decided which items you want to toss, it is time to figure out how to dispose of them.

Recycling electronics and old newspapers and magazines. Also, recycle plastic containers and metal objects.

Ask your family and friends to see if you like any unwanted items.

Good condition items can be donated to charities and shelters in your area. Help people who are in dire need

To make some additional money on your move, you can sell more expensive items online and at garage sales. If you are unable to sell the items yourself, consignment stores can be a great



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